Experienced Car Accident Attorney

Every four minutes, there is a car accident reported on a Virginia road or highway. Most of these accidents can be attributed to negligent and reckless acts. If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, of which was not your fault, then you may be entitled to compensation. The Alvarez Law Firm, PLLC can fight against negligent drivers and hold them accountable for your injuries, pain, suffering, and any financial harm they have caused you.

If you’ve been injured in a car accident – we are sorry for what you are going through and we know how stressful it can be. You may be filled with anxiety, confusion, pain, and anger. Our staff at The Alvarez Law Firm, PLLC are here to advocate for you and help you obtain fair compensation to cover you damages – medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Upon hearing that their negligent insured driver has been involved in a car accident, the negligent party’s insurance adjuster may call you. These adjusters will be very polite and persuasive, but they don’t have your best interests in mind. It’s best to keep in mind that the negligent party’s insurance company is out to protect their own interests – and not yours. Negotiating a fair and just settlement on your own can be challenging, but we can help. Call for a free, no obligation consultation today!